Building Better Pathways


This is a more generalised program of physical movements for a whole class or group under my supervision. Teachers will be given instructions on how to carry out a short evaluation of balance and co-ordination.
Before and after results can then be compared.
This program has been the subject of a number of published independent studies.
Fast ForWord is "a computer-based reading program intended to help students develop and strengthen the cognitive skills necessary for successful reading and learning".
Maximise your learning potential.
Think Faster, Focus Better, Remember More to Make Learning Easier.
Personalised neuroscience based programs for all ages
Web based, at home, at work or anywhere
Instant feedback with every training session
Developed by Neuroscientists
Proven by research, used by millions
The INPP program is drug free and non-invasive and is designed to match the developmental profile of the child or adult assessed.
The neuro-motor development programmes include clinical assessments and supervision of remedial programmes using specific developmental movement methods devised at the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology in the UK. (
The INPP method of addressing neuro-motor immaturity is a home-based programme supported by a trained neuro-developmental therapist. Implementing the programme requires approximately 10 minutes of daily activity.
No equipment is necessary for conducting the therapy programme at home. Regular follow up assessments are scheduled on a 6 – 8 week basis with ongoing support available between visits.
Six steps to the Integrating Thinking INPP program:
Screening questionnaire (Free online Questionnaire);
Initial consultation to determine program suitability (1 — 1.5hours);
Diagnostic assessment and exercise programme development (2 – 3 hours);
Report reading and exercise programme establishment;
Implementing the programme (5—10 minutes/day @ home);
Follow up reviews at 6 weekly intervals.
Interested in more information about any of my services? Call me today and see how I can help you.